
Since the second half of 2017 and so far, centralized exchanges have introduced tokens on their platforms. These "useful" tokens are used to stimulate trade orders by providing discounts on trade fees, allowing traders to participate in the management of the exchange when it comes to placing new tokens or providing refunds in As a percentage of the total trade fees accumulated by the exchange. One of the problems that are often ignored with regard to these tokens is that they are obtained from centralized objects. A centralized exchange defines the rules of how a token provides incentives to its customers.

DAX is a useful sign token that will be used on all sorts of exchanges in the DAEX platform. DAX traders are very safe because it can record and validate all transactions in an environment more transparent.t. Whether the payment of fees related to clearing, asset calculation or reconciliation of transactions, they will not be limited to one exchange. Initially, cryptocurrency will be a crypto used for clearing and settlement, and at a later stage, derivatives will also be included in the platform.

The compensation string has a function as a means of storing transaction data for various types of digital assets. This will show a cross-string structure that supports connections to the identity string and the winding string. The identity chain is a separate blockchain, which will act as a distributed identification center that complements user registration, authentication, and identity management. Then there will be an identity and authentication process here, and the completion string is another separate block chain, which will be connected to the settlement Center and asset registration. The main objective of this center is to facilitate the registration of trusted digital assets and assign these assets to the compensation chain. Having a function as a multi-asset wallet owned by the DAEX Wallet will include a multi-segment private key mechanism.

Users who are involved in creating an account can also receive a reward, and this amount will gradually decrease as more accounts are opened in the system. Users who invite others to start an account may also receive a reward, and this award will gradually decrease as more invitations are received. Using the value clearing factor (CVF), DAX token owners are assigned a value based on their activity on the platform. Several factors influence this cost; These are listed below:

-Clearing value: Measurement of the user's clearing deposit by calculating the user's accumulated clearing contract numbers and the total amount of clearing for the most recent sliding time interval.
-Capital cost: Calculation of the total cost of the Kriptoaktivov user on the clearing site on the basis of factors such as rating, market value, turnover coefficient and daily volume of transactions.
-Transaction costs: Calculation of the value of the transaction is based on a combination of scientific regularly are at a peak and clearing time, all the trade component, along with the trade channels and many other factors.
-Cost of activity: Based on the user's participation time in the clearing process, the ability of trading influence and attracted new customers, as well as other factors to form a clearing activity profile.

-Cost of the person: calculation of levels of clearing personality on the basis of participation of the user in the working range of the exchange, the Kriptoaktivov debt coefficient, the period of DAX-coins, etc.

Each DAX token holder on the platform is essentially a partial owner of the platform. When compared to a token on a central Exchange, DAX Token will be immediately distributed in a way that is more transparent and is decentralized. 

BTT PROFIL:(feby2003)


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