Bitbond project - financial support and business lending
Today, in order to start your own business, regardless of its level, scale and direction, start-up capital is required, as well as further financial support. The state really pays little attention to such a sphere as support for small and medium-sized companies, which can be said to be the main taxpayers and where new jobs are created. In this situation, really useful and smart ideas simply do not reach their realization, which can have a negative impact on the development of the economy. There are such systems or even intermediaries who promise to help almost any projects, companies for remuneration as a result of successful lending. As you know, this has a negative impact on the entire credit system, trust in banks, the state and does not allow for the full amount of money to develop a business. Therefore, the natural solution of such problems in this area is to create a single global platform where everyone can help with their personal money and make a profit...